Sunday, January 25, 2009

If they can do it, what's our excuse?

For all animal lovers!

Thanks to Camille for the video!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Being In The Right Place

Being In The Right Place

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This a beautiful photo.
Take your time looking at it and take notice of your inner response!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hard Times

A man was selling oranges in the middle of a road. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers. He put some signs along the road and spent the whole day praising the flavor of his wares.
Everyone bought from him and the man thrived. With the money he placed more signs on the road and began to sell more fruit. Business was growing fast when one day his son - who was educated and had studied in a big city - asked him:
- Father, don’t you know that the world is going through very hard times? The economy of the country is in an awful state!
Worried by this, the man reduced the number of signs and began to sell fruit of inferior quality because it was cheaper. Sales slumped immediately.
“My son is right,” he thought. “Times are very hard.”

I found this on Paulo Ceolho's Blog and thought that it is worthwhile to share.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Once in a lifetime

Once in a lifetime, everybody should . . .

Board the wrong train on the spur of a moment and see what happens

Hide in a closet, listening to what happens outside and feel safe

Without feeling guilty, eat a whole big chocolate bar, because this exactly what he or she needs right now

Jump into a fountain in an evening dress and feel like a goddess

Walk over an old cemetery, read the inscriptions on the tombstones, and contemplate life and time, the time that has passed and the time that still remains

(Der andere Advent, text for 1/1/09, translated by the Blog author)

I wish all of us an exciting New Year!