It’s been a long time since my last blog entry. In the meantime, we moved onto the property, have been working seven days a week, and finally were able to move into our house a few weeks ago.
We were living in our RV for many years. Now I tremendously enjoy the space in the house. With more external space comes a sense of greater internal space. Moreover, there is less clutter around me, actually no clutter at all, but clarity.
I have realized that I have spread myself too thin, have done too much and too forcefully.
While multitasking has become a virtue, I want to learn to be present with one single task alone. While goal setting has been en vogue for many years, I want to let go of all projections into the future.
I always have had a deep longing for a simple and authentic life. Now it’s the time to listen to that desire and to make space for its manifestation.
I am letting go of everything that is not essential to my life.
This Blog, for example, is not essential.
I may come back to it later; I may not.
Although at times I enjoyed writing for it, it mainly has been a chore, self-imposed out of the belief that I needed one because “everybody” else has one.
I stop doing things that I have been doing because of my own or other people’s expectations.
What are the non-essentials in your life?
How can you let go of them?
How does it feel to make space for yourself – and for nothing else?
Thanks for stopping by!